about the author

Rebecca Denton was born in Essex and raised in Norfolk where she currently resides with her parents and four rescue cats in various stages of disrepair: Victor, Davey, Arthur and Wobble, so named as he only has three legs. Rebecca alternates her time between her love of writing and art, having previously spent two years at art college.

about the book

Owen Link, working as a hitman for the mob had one job to do, little did he know this job would lead to his undoing.Now on the run from the mob and the law, Owen must prove that although several murders he may have committed, this one was not done by his hand. Running out of options Owen turns to an old friend, Robert, for help. Now working for the F.B.I. Robert would hold Owen’s fate in his hands.Going against his better judgement Robert decides to help, unaware this would uncover secrets he thought had been buried long ago. Keeping Owen out of jail, however, would prove difficult when Robert and his partner Charlie, realize that this murder holds many similarities to their existing case. Now on the case, will Robert help Owen escape, or use him to save himself from the demons of his past?



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Coming Soon .....


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